
Meet Our Contributors…

Brief Bio for Dr. William Tabbernee


The Rev. Dr. William Tabbernee is Executive Director of the Oklahoma Conference of Churches.  Before taking up his current position in 2010, he was President and Distinguished Professor of the History of Christianity at Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa, Oklahoma, from 1991 to 2009.

Dr. Tabbernee’s academic specialty is Christian thought and history. He continues to write, teach, and publish in this field. He is an Adjunct Professor in the Religious Studies program at the University of Oklahoma. He also co-directs an archaeological project, exploring the ancient site of Pepouza–the long-lost holy city of the Montanists–which he and his colleagues discovered in Turkey in 2000. Dr. Tabbernee’s most recent book is Early Christianity in Contexts: An Exploration across Cultures and Continents (2014).

An ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Dr. Tabbernee has served local congregations and was a seminary president in Australia before coming to live in the United States. He is also a past president of the North American Patristics Society.


A Brief Bio for the Rev. Canon Christopher A. Brown, PhD

The Rev. Dr. Christopher Brown is the Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Potsdam. Raised in an entirely secular household, he studied Asian religions at Amherst College before coming to faith in Jesus Christ. He received his M. Div. from General Theological Seminary and a PhD. in Systematic Theology from Union Theological Seminary, where he wrote his dissertation on the Doctrine of Justification.  He has served parishes in the New York City area as well as northern New York State. He is the Canon Theologian of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany, where he tutors ordination candidates, prepares and evaluates ordination exams, and writes a regular column in the diocesan quarterly magazine. He is interested in the development of Christian doctrine in the early Church, and the Reformation debate over Justification by Faith, and as well as various problems in contemporary theology.